crystal reports


Hi all,

i have moved my table from one database to other database in progress. and i created my views for crystal reports.

new database --> A
old database --> B

i have a problem in crystal reports due to moveing the tables to other database, but still linking of table in crystal report to old database(A) only.

Do i have to manually unlink all the database table in crystal reports and add again ? or do we have any other method to do this automatically?

Can any one help me on this.

Thanks in advance.


Is it not enough to change the datasource name of the odbc-connection you are using asuming you use this?

Otherwise you could try something like:
def var codbcnaam as char no-undo init 'newname'.
/* kbases: P115877 P122620 P55350 P47202 P106992 P115258 */
function ConnectTables returns logical (input ichReport as com-handle):
  def var iTeller     as int no-undo.
  def var chConnProps as com-handle no-undo.
  def var chTable     as com-handle no-undo.
  do iTeller = 1 to ichReport:Database:tables:count:
    chTable = ichReport:database:tables(iTeller).
    /* Set the Connection Info to Connection Properties of the table object */
    chConnProps = chTable:ConnectionProperties.
    /* don't rename extra external datasources */
    if not can-do("dwh,test_dwh",chconnProps:item("DSN"):value)
    /* Clear the ConnectionProperties collection */
    /* Add the ODBC DSN */
    chConnProps:ADD("DSN", cODBCNaam).
    /* Add the database level User ID if required */
    chConnProps:ADD("User ID", "rapportage").
    /* Add the database level password if required */
    chConnProps:ADD("Password", "rapportage").
    /* Location is set so also commands can be changedd */
    /* Use either of the following statements to override the Catalog name if the report has been created using OpenEdge 10.1B or later - see P122620 for more information*/
    /* chTable:Location = "<Database Name>". */
    /* chTable:SetTableLocation("<Database Name>","",""). */
    chTable:location = cODBCNaam no-error.
    if not chTable:TestConnectivity()
       message 'error cant connect'.
This renames/reconnects the tables which use datasource dwh or test_dwh to a new datasource with the name cODBCNaam.


hi schaapie,
i am not lanching the crystal report using comhandle. it is lanched by using crwprt.i..

for this also it works ? is this code related to this ?