Creating a table in an email


Hi All,
I'm using open edge 10.2b.

I have an existing routine to generate an email via outlook which I can add attachments, a subject and some text in the body. Super!!! But what I want to do is add a table of data into the body section(in the same way you can if you were manually creating an email). I have tried to pass it an HTML string and set the body type to HTML but progress doesn't seem to like the command isBodyHtml?? Does anyone have any ides if this is possible or how to do it please?

Many Thanks..

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
You could use ASCII characters to make a table using - and |... bit of an effort though!


Thanks cringer, seems I have found the correct command now to set the email body as html...
hMailItem:htmlBody = "some text"
we used sometime uuencode to any document or information before attaching to e-mail. E-mail client can understand this format and auto decode incoming e-mail.


Thanks maximMonin, I'd never heard of uuencode, let alone used it before you mentioned it. This maybe a better method (i don't know) but I've got it working now via the html stuff and it's more than enough for what I need so I'll stick with that for now I think.
Once again thanks for the input it's much appreciated.

tamhas Sponsor
Be sure you do a lot of testing with various e-mail agent recipients. E-mails are notorious for goofy formatting when read by one agent or another. HTML can be fairly reliable, but again requires some careful testing. Sending a .csv, .xls, or .pdf would be much more predictable.


Thanks thamhas, I am actually attaching a number of pdfs to my email but the user would like a summary of what is in the files so they can quickly see if the attachments are of importance to them so I needed a method of listing the data in a way that would keep to a particular format. It seems to work nicely so we'll see no doubt someone somewhere will break it :)