-cpinternal parameter being ignored in Windows


I hope I'm not going crazy, but when I try to do an index build on Windows my -cpinternal parameter is being ignored! I'm sure I've come across this in the past, but had assumed that I had too many parameters and the last few were truncated.

But today I've tried a very simple thing and it's not working:

>proutil rstr.db -C idxbuild all -cpinternal ISO8859-1
OpenEdge Release 10.2B as of Mon Dec 14 17:02:01 EST 2009
Use "-cpinternal UTF-8" with idxbuild only with a UTF-8 database. (8557)

I'm guessing that OE was installed with UTF-8 as the default. Unfortunately I can't seem to override it.


OK must be crazy: I just discovered that the database is UTF-8.

>proutil rstr -C convchar analyze ISO8859-1
OpenEdge Release 10.2B as of Mon Dec 14 17:02:01 EST 2009
Database is encoded using UTF-8 for character data types. (3939)

So running with -cpinternal of UTF-8 works fine.
But the error message I was getting doesn't seem to make any sense. But then I should be used to that by now..