control outlook from psc abl

I am head scratchin here. I wish to control Outlook from my ABL session. I am using the syntax;
create "Outlook.Application":u vhOutlook connect no-error.
if error-status:error then
create "Outlook.Application":u vhOutlook.
Though this DOES NOT launch Outlook. I do not visually see the Outlook application. I wish to use the ABL here, in a similar way to V B. What extra do I need?


ProgressTalk Moderator
Staff member
it, probably, has been created it's just not visible.

though, afaik, it's abit more complicated then ch:visible = yes or ch:display( ) with outlook

it might not be a bad idea to order some $20 outlook vba book from

or do some catching up on outlook concepts


ProgressTalk Moderator
Staff member
Or search your computer for a file called vbaol*.chm

Open that file. It contains the outlook object model.

yeah, but, theres a world of difference between reading specs on your pc or off the company's website and a talented author that walks you through, offers interesting pov and so on

any opportunity to get an interesting tech book is a good one :) its simple and really not expensive.


That's right! Nowadays there are really good books, with on the spot information and so on...

But, if it's just for a little task, with simple outlook (form mail + send it) operations, you can reach your goal with these helpfiles... and some help from forums, colleagues, ...

Casper Moderator
Staff member
Though this DOES NOT launch Outlook. I do not visually see the Outlook application. I wish to use the ABL here, in a similar way to V B. What extra do I need?

It DOES launch Outlook, event though you don't see it, you can check this by looking in your task manager in Windows.

I wonder why one would want Outlook to become visible when creating an outlook instance....

MSDN has all you need to know about the Outlook Object Model

