Answered Consume Web Service Troubleshooting


New Member

Using Progress 10.2B.

I am consuming a SSL web service from ABL code. I would like to use Fiddler2 to view the traffic to help troubleshoot some errors I receive. I have it loaded and I can see regular web traffic from a browser. What do I have to do to see the web service call traffic?



Well-Known Member
Don't know Fiddler2 but I think you need to re-route your Progress session so that it uses Fiddler2 as a proxy. You can do so by specifying the -proxyport / -proxyhost parameter when you start the session. Your setup of Fiddler2 may also require you to use -proxyPasswort / -proxyUserid ...

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.


New Member
Don't know Fiddler2 but I think you need to re-route your Progress session so that it uses Fiddler2 as a proxy. You can do so by specifying the -proxyport / -proxyhost parameter when you start the session. Your setup of Fiddler2 may also require you to use -proxyPasswort / -proxyUserid ...

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.

Thanks so much! I had dealt with this stuff a few years back and for the life of me could not figure out how to get Progress session to be seen. I just found where I had the settings you mentioned. Slowly coming back to me now.



New Member
You're welcome!

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.

I have one other thing with this web service call you might know about. I'm getting a (9082) Invalid child index on a get child. The code works but there is an instance where the service sends and empty tag as <tag/> instead of <tag><tag/> . Can Progress not handle that or is it possibly something with the code. This is when I'm reading the response sent back from the WS.



Well-Known Member
Without knowing what your code does I can only speculate. As far as I am concerned the tag is <tag/> is valid XML therefore I suppose that the XML parser that Progress uses ( Xerces as far as I know ) does parse it correctly. From your question I'll take it that you parse the XML using DOM. I never use DOM - I always use SAX. But that's my personal preference.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.