Comm Handles for STcomTK DLL


New Member
HI All,

I have a need to create an application that is able to talk to a Lotus Sametime community Server. This uses a STCOMTK.DLL which is free from the IBM website that allows connectivity.

My Problem is this I have never done anything like this so far in progress, I can open the Com Object Viewer and look at the detail, but an struggling to translate this to code.

Can anybody point me in the right direction here as getting no where fast.

below is the code the com object viewer gives me for login. But do I need to set up comm handlers and what would they be ?

NO-RETURN-VALUE <com-handle>: LoginByPassword (
Character-Password ).

I would be most greatful for any help

Best Regards



You would need to write something like this:
def var hCom as com-handle no-undo.
create "WhateverComObjectViewerHasForTheObjectName" hCom.
hCom:LoginByPassword("host", "name", "password")
release object hCom

for more information take a look at "CREATE Automation Object statement" in help