Cognos Business Analytics connectivity to Hadoop Hive just got bigger

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Sumit Sarkar

In my role as DataDirect Systems Engineer + IBM Certified Cognos Developer, I have been integrating data for IBM Cognos shops ranging from relational data sources on premise to SaaS data sources in the cloud; and next up: “Big Data”. IBM’s Apache Hadoop solution, InfoSphere BigInsights, integrates nicely with IBM Cognos 10.2 using DQM. However, my most recent engagements include shops requiring ODBC connectivity or those who have adopted other Hadoop distributions such as Cloudera, Hortonworks, Map/R, Hadapt, Apache, Amazon EMR, etc.

IBM Cognos Ecosystem meets the Hadoop Ecosystem

With DataDirect XE Hadoop Big Data Connectors, IBM Cognos shops have a full range of connectivity options for Hadoop Hive across Windows, AIX, Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX:

Recommended Connector from DataDirect
IBM Cognos TM1 9.5.x, 10.x 64-bit Connect64 XE for ODBC Hadoop Hive: AIX,Linux,Solaris,HP-UX and Windows
IBM Cognos Transformer 8.x, 10.x 32-bit Connect for ODBC Hadoop Hive: AIX,Linux,Solaris,HP-UX and Windows
IBM Cognos Data Manager 8.x, 10.x 32-bit Connect for ODBC Hadoop Hive: AIX,Linux,Solaris,HP-UX and Windows
IBM Cognos BI Compatible Query Mode (CQM) 8.x, 10.x 32-bit Connect for ODBC Hadoop Hive: AIX,Linux,Solaris,HP-UX and Windows
IBM Cognos BI Dynamic Query Mode (DQM) 10.2 Connect for JDBC Hadoop Hive driver (preview): Java

Tutorial for integrating Cloudera 4.1 Hive2 with Cognos BI 10.1

1- Download a trial of the DataDirect Connect XE for ODBC Cloudera driver.

2- Configure ODBC data source to Cloudera 4.1. On Advanced tab, set Max Varchar Size to be 255 since my character data does not include long strings.

3. Launch Framework Manager and select Data Sources for the metadata model​

4. Create new data source matching the name in step #1.​

5. Select data source type “ODBC”​

6. Navigate to the data source and select objects directly from Cloudera to import​

7. Publish the package and launch Report Studio to run a simple list report​

8. Run the report to fetch data directly from Cloudera Distribution. Dummy data returned below is from one of our QA tables, but you can pretend it is something of big data significance like input from web forms.​

Cognos shops have been really excited about having reliable connectivity into their big data infrastructure.​

How about DQM?

Check back on the blog for the next IBM Cognos tutorial for our JDBC connectors to Hadoop Hive.

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