Changing the Title Bar in SL 4.0

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
I have a completely separate DB server that I use for software and DB
development as well as data testing.  Since this is an exact copy of the
live DBs, our people cannot tell if they are in the test system or the
live system once they get connected.
Is there anyway to have the title bar change depending on some setting
or change to a program so one can tell by looking at the title bar,
whether they are in the live or test system?  What is the program that
sets the title bar values anyway?
Michael Saxton
Manager of IS
Venchurs Packaging, Inc.
800 Liberty Street
Adrian, MI 49221
Voice: 517-263-8937 x163
Fax: 517-265-7468

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
No, but you can change the icon in the very upper-left hand corner on the
window. Change your environment for your test system to pick up a new
directory in your PROPATH. Then in this directory, create an images
sub-directory, in that images sub-directory, place a new/replacement
symix.ico and sym-main.ico file. Perhaps if your company has an ico file,
you could use that.
Rob Jeanquart
The Lake Companies, Inc.

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
What I do to distinguish between my test base and the live database...which
I think is what your looking for.

1. In the test db directory, I rename the files.
ex, testdb.db..etc.
2. Change the PF file to reflect the changes to the DB.
3. Create a new icon and use the new pf.

Then when you run the test base, it will say in the menu bar "testdb".

Hope that helps


Randy Brazeau
Enduro-Niagara Ltd

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
This does not work for multi-site databases, when in multi-site it just
shows the site name.

Justin Muller
Director, Technical Services
The Copley Consulting Group

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Do you have source code? If so you may be in luck!

Modify the program lib/wintitle.p.

Around line 60 is a section that looks like this:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">code:</font><HR><pre>
window-widget:TITLE =
/* Administration is not connected to any db */
+ (IF g-dbname > "" THEN " - " + g-dbname ELSE "")

Do something like this:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">code:</font><HR><pre>
window-widget:TITLE =
/* Administration is not connected to any db */
+ (IF g-dbname > "" THEN " - " + g-dbname ELSE "")
/*SSS Add Start ********************/
+ (if index(pdbname("symix"), "TEST") > 0
then " TEST " else "")
/*SSS Add Finish *******************/

It may take some toying with it to get it right, but it works. The
PDBName("symix") will return the physical database name of the database
currently connected as Symix. If your DBs are in a test directory, this
will work.

If your databases are in the same directory, you'll have to figure out
something else. Either way, this should get you started. If you don't have
source code, you're out of luck.

Jeff Smith
Single Source Systems Phone: 317-596-3000 Ext: 175
9003 Technology Dr. Fax: 317-596-3001
Fishers, IN 46038