automating shutdown and startup of queues, db's, systems, etc. ?


New Member
Syteline 5.02.10
Progress 9.1b27

two parts of this question.


we have background queues that run nigthly to process reports for employees, and do other misc processes.

it has just been brought to our attention that some of the errors we are seeing in the database connections are known issues, and the only soution right now is to cycle the power on the server every once in a while (like once a week).

as far as the administration side of things, i am very new to the syteline program.

currently, i do the following to shutdown / startup the nightly processing queues.

To stop:
login to the syteline admin tool
click system -> background queue setup
select the queue -> edit -> update -> uncheck the running box
hit F2 to save.

exit, do a bunch of work, restart, etc....

to start:
Login to the Syteline 5 Admin Tool
Select Admin -> Background Process Maint -> Reports and Utilities -> -> click OK

is there a way to automate this from a command line so i can run this automatically stop it and start it, and not have to worry about it ???



in between the top part of this problem (starting and stopping), i'd like to shutdown the progress databases, brokers, etc. and restart the machine. when the machine comes back up, ovbiously i'd like to start all of the services, brokers, databases, etc...

can this all be done from a command line as well ?

thanks !


Hi there...

Here is how you can start and stop the Progress db's that are being run by Procontrol. Create the following .bat file and place it on your server. You can then apply it as a service - which will automate the start and stopping of Procontrol...Which will auto start and stop your Syteline db's!

set path=d:\\dlc;d:\\dlc\bin;%PATH%
pccmd proservice start

Save the above file as xxxstart.bat

set path=d:\\dlc;d:\\dlc\bin;%PATH%
pccmd proservice stop

Save the above file as xxxstop.bat

* Make sure that you change the path I have to suit your path in both lines of code...



New Member

Queue may be stopped by shuting down the DB. Which means you may schedule a shutdown every midnight.

you may try this start queue job:

map p:\ to

save the below with extension bat.

call copy p:\syteline\batch\qname1.txt v:\syteline\batch\queue.lst /y
call p:\dlc\bin\prowin32 -b -pf p:\ -basekey INI -ininame p:\symix.ini -p p:\syteline\batch\s-rpt.p >> c:\qname1-lg.log

save the below as qname1.txt (qname1 is your queue name)



Progress 9.1b27

Yes, that's a "known problem".

Version 9 is 10 years old. It was designed in the 90s. A lot has changed since then. Design decisions that made sense in the 90s aren't looking so good today.

The very last release of version 9 was 9.1E04. That was 5 years ago. It has several thousand bug fixes and enhancements over 9.1b. There will never be any more bug fixes or enhancements to v9. Never.

If you really, really feel like you want to stick with v9 you should at the very least upgrade to 9.1E04.

The current release of Progress is OpenEdge 10.2. If you can compile code (and most Symix customers can) then you can upgrade. The upgrade is pretty darned painless.


New Member
thanks.. i'll look into the upgrading and all of that.

does the table structure change in the db ?? we have a lot of custom programs that interact with syteline (reports and procedures) and those all have to work in the new versions.


Upgrading Progress does not require an upgrade of Syteline so if all you do is to upgrade Progress then no, the table structure does not change.


New Member
really stupid question now...

for syteline upgrades and/or progress upgrades.

i can only assume that you can get them from the software publishers ?

or are there spots around the web that might have them ?