AppBuilder cannot be start?


Hi guys,

Not usre if this is something stupid that I just did or it happened before.

But my Appbuilder desktop shortcut, is not working anymore. When I click nothing happen.

What I did:

1.Check if Prowin32.exe stil resides in C:\Program Files\Progress\Bin >> Yes
2.Double Click on ProWin32.exe from C:\Program Files\Progress\Bin >> It happen up Procedure Editor.



Well-Known Member
Clicking on the prowin32.exe will give you a Progress session with no databases connected and the default start procedure if no start procedure is defined: The procedure editor.

Believe me, there must be something wrong with your shortcut. In order to see what is wrong I would paste the "Target" from the shortcut into a cmd shell, execute it and check the error message you are getting.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.


Hi Dude,

1.Thanks for replying.

2.Shorcut as follows:"C:\Program Files\Progress\bin\prowin32.exe" -p _ab.p

3.I did uninstalled and re-installed everything is back to normal, I used back the same shorcut icon for AppBuilder.



Well-Known Member
Re-installing a software just because the shortcut does not work seems odd to me - that way you won't find out what the problem really was. But if it is okay for you then it should no bother me ...

BTW - I would not recommend you to use the shortcuts as they are created during the installation of Progress. As soon as you add start parameters your changes will get lost when you re-install the software ...

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.


Hi Dude,

For the purpose of learning I would like to share that my shortcuts was intact>> C:\Program Files\Progress\Bin\prowin32.exe -p _ab.p

It was manually created using send to desktop as shortcut features on right click mouse.

The funny thing was when I uninstall Progress, I didnt delete the shortcut away, I try double click it and got error that it was not able to locate prowin32 (which make sense since I uninstall the program away).

However when I re-install back Progress, the shortcut works like a clock! How amazing.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend you to use at least a few startup parameters, otherwise everything is default and settings like fonts and colors will be picked up from the Windows registry.

  • -ininame - gives you the opportunity to specify your own ini file and not rely on the progress.ini which is part of the installation. You can start with a copy of the progress.ini file and build up from there.
  • -basekey "INI" - gives you the opportunity to specify that Progress should not pick up the settings from the registry, instead it should pick it up from a file.
  • -pf - path to a parameter file that contains additional settings like date and numeric format, etc.
Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.


Hi Dude,

All mention was carried out on the application shortcut, just check with you for AppBuilder shortcut do I need to define with such a details?

All I knew for AppBuilder was the c:\Program Files\Progress\Bin\ProWin32.exe -p _ab.p only

I am still unable to find this file (_ab.p) till now, suspecting it is embedded inside some *.dll file. :)



Well-Known Member
The -p start parameter specifies the first procedure in the Progress session. In that particular case it is the AppBuilder ( _ab.p ). But that is not the only parameter you can specify when starting a Progress session.

You need to be aware that if you don't specify otherwise some settings they are picked up from several locations ( the Windows registry, the file located in the installation directory ). If you change these settings (for example modify the font or color settings or your PROPATH ) they get saved from where they were picked up. Chances are that when you un-install Progress that you lose them.

It all depends on how you want to set up your development environment. There are a lot of options available to you that you CAN configure but that does not necessarily mean that you have to.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.


Well-Known Member
You will find the compiled version of the _ab.p in the gui folder beneath your installation directory: _ab.r. Progress does not use dll for such things.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.