

Haven't been here in a while...I was doing a little research on aistall and found this old thread:


Tom says that aistall is an ancient parameter and there's no need to run it anymore after version 8. I've had consultants enable it on v10+ databases, though. Is aistall not really needed? If so, what happens in the unlikely event that your extents fill up (or are we assuming they won't since I've got large files enabled and my ai extents are all variable anyway)?

And the reason I went looking--what happens if your ai extents aren't accessible for any period of time, with and without AI stall?


Well-Known Member
The -aistall parameter itself may not be ancient, but if you intend to use it your need is ancient. Typically one used the parameter in conjunction with fixed AI extents. IMHO using fixed AI extents does not make much sense nowadays and makes things only more complicated without any tangible gain.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.