Agency pming me

I'm getting recruitment posts pmed me through this forum by a particular agency, as no doubt others are too.

I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and not reporting it immediately as spam, or naming and shaming (yet), because when they first did it they at least advertised the job in the recruitment section as well.

However, given that:

  1. This time there are no such paid adverts;
  2. The messages are suspiciously identical from two different senders within the agency, which hurts my pride;
  3. The last time it happened I spent some time rather gamely (given I don't live in the country they are recruiting to) and naively giving them general guidance on how to recruit decent Progress developers (essentially: pay a decent rate) without an acknowledgement;

I'd appreciate it if you could send the heavies round to have a word.



They are annoying aren't they?

I fell for it this time around too. I actually know someone who seems like a good fit, is available and in the right neighborhood for their latest supposed "opportunity".

But I have to guess that the whole thing is a sham designed to suck you into a phone call because they don't respond to responses to their PMs nor to their e-mails.
Well, at least it's not just me.

They may be shooting themselves in the foot - it's one thing getting your reputation recovered amongst developers after a few cheap practices in the .Net ocean, but in our little Progress pond...


They did finally return my message and to all appearances the "opportunity" is in fact real.

But they seem to be convinced the $40-60/hr is "excellent". I ran their offer by someone I know who meets their needs and who is looking for a change and he laughed almost as hard as I did and said "no thanks". I'm guessing that that will be another "Progress Job" that goes unfilled while someone whines about how hard it is to find people...