Adding a .Net assembly reference to Open Edge Architect


New Member
Hi All

I have probably the simplest possible .Net class library dll, and want to reference it from OE Architect.

namespace ExternalClassLibOne
public class Class1
public void DoSomething()


I'm running the 10.2B trial version. When I add the reference I get

"Could not load file or assembly ExternalClassLibOne, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null or one of its dependencies."

in the Problems view.

I have tried compiling the class library (using Visual Studio 2008) targeting the 2.0 framework as well as the default 3.5.

The dependencies are only System, System.Data and System.Xml!

Has anyone managed this? Which framework versions are supported (the documentation doesn't seem to say).

Thanks for any pointers.



New Member
did you copy the .net dll into your OEA project directory (or any sub directoires) and add the reference from there?
