Search results

  1. H

    Looking for UK resource?

    Should clarify really. I was wondering if there were any non-UK based companies who were looking for a presence in the UK to develop and support customers here. For example companies that have received queries about their solutions from the UK but have not followed up due to lack of resource...
  2. H

    Looking for UK resource?

    Hi All, Just flying a kite really to see if there is any interest. I was made redundant at the end of last year and I'm now looking for new career opportunities and I wondered if there was anyone out there looking for a UK representative for their company. I have 10 years Progress...
  3. H

    smtpmail.p attachments

    I'm using smtpmail 5.2 to e-mail 2 attachements (the output from a 4gl report). Both files are text only, but often the attachment arrives with a spurious last character. The character does not exist in the source file so something is happening within smtpmail to append it. smtpmail is run on...