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  1. N

    dump & Load with bulkload

    hello, thank you for your replay. You would do dump&load with binay. But the binary dump&load does not reorganziation the database like bulkload. Is it so? Tell me please with tools do you mean on this sites is usuful and better as bulkload...
  2. N

    dump & Load with bulkload

    Hello, I have a problem. my database is greater as 2 GB. If I dump my database with bulk, then I cannot load these with bulkload, because Progress does not support database greater as 2 GB. How can I split my database by dump the df-Files? I use progress 101B and 101A thanks
  3. N


    Hi all, I am looking for a Script(Windows) for automatic to load Database. Can anybody help me? regards
  4. N

    binary dump&Load

    how can I dumo with binary all tables together? what do you mean with " + _file-name + " /dumpdir"
  5. N

    binary dump&Load

    I have a problem with my script, then progress 10.1A02 does not support the bulkload of any data yfield with the CLOB datatype.
  6. N

    Online backup on Linux

    Hello thank you for reply. I know the probkup. but I mean a linux Scripts for automatic backup
  7. N

    Online backup on Linux

    Hello, I am looking for a Linux script for backuping online my DB. Who can help me thanks
  8. N

    prowin32.exe error

    Hi guys, I have a problem, if I try to run my application with progress 10.1A02, then I always received on all workstation following error: "prowin32.exe error" the instruction point out "0x0ae6bd20" on memory "0x0ae6bd20". The event "read" coud not be completed on memory Can anybody help me?
  9. N

    prowin32.exe error

    Hi guys, I have a problem, if I try to run my application with progress 10.1A02, then I always received on all workstation following error: "prowin32.exe error" the instruction point out "0x0ae6bd20" on memory "0x0ae6bd20". The event "read" coud not be completed on memory Can anybody help me?