Xref errors

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Fellow peggers,
I solved my previous problem, but another has occurred. I am
getting Xref errors on some old programs that have recently been modified.
Since these programs were modified in another workspace and successfully
compiled there, I am wondering what could be different.
Here is one of the errors:

Roundtable Compile: Xref errors occurred.
Note: Xref errors must be resolved before a PCODE object can be completed.

Error: Error! rtb0007: Can't find dbase referenced in xref
Procedure: //isntqaddev/development/newrtb/Work_Spaces/Quality/Interface/c
Filename: //isntqaddev/development/newrtb/Work_Spaces/Quality/Interface/c
Line Number: 16
Ref Type: CREATE
Token 1: CP_MSTR_ST
Token 2:
Token 3:


David Langschied

Chris Kelleher

Staff member

It sounds to me like you are compiling code that accesses database changes
that have not been registered in Roundtable. Anytime you have new schema
changes they must be registered in Roundtable using the Load option on the
PDBASE object.


Nathan Noll (817) 284-8680
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