[Stackoverflow] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Joining item master and inventory master

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Hugh Jass

I want to join pt_mstr and in_mstr to create my report screen for which I have written this code i want to sort my output screen based on either prod line or status so i have defined a variable lvc_sort sort by prod line if i give 1 and similarly 2 for status

IF lvc_sort = 1 THEN DO:

         FOR EACH pt_mstr no-lock
         WHERE pt_domain       =  global_domain
         AND   pt_part        >=  lvc_part
         AND   pt_part        <=  lvc_part1
         AND   pt_part_type   >=  lvc_part_type
         AND   pt_part_type   <=  lvc_part_type1
         AND   pt_prod_line   >=  lvc_prod_line
         AND   pt_prod_line   <=  lvc_prod_line1
         AND   pt_status      >=  lvc_status
         AND   pt_status      <=  lvc_status1,

         EACH in_mstr
         WHERE in_domain  =  pt_domain
         AND   in_part =  pt_part
         BREAK BY pt_prod_line:

         FIND FIRST tt NO-LOCK
         WHERE tt_part  = pt_part
         AND   tt_site = in_site NO-ERROR.

Is this the correct approach or can it be done in some other way?

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