[Stackoverflow] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] How to Change Appearance of Text in ChUI Editor Widget

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I'm using an editor widget to display a longchar value read from a text file. OpenEdge 11.5 ChUI on Linux.

The logic is similar to the following:

def var mytext as longchar
init "Sample Text. Sample Text. Sample Text.".

form mytext view-as editor large inner-chars 30 inner-lines 15
scrollbar-horizontal scrollbar-vertical
with frame frame1 no-labels no-box.

view frame frame1.
display mytext with frame frame1.
mytext:read-only = yes.
enable mytext with frame frame1.
wait-for end-error of mytext.

When the editor is displayed, the text in the editor widget is "highlighted" (i.e., shown in reverse video).

Is there a way to display the text in the editor widget so that it is not "highlighted"?

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