Hi Tom and team,
Progress version:- 11.7
OS :- Linux
Sql users getting error :-Exceeding permissible number of connections and No SQL servers are available
2024/08/26@14:27:25.990-0500] P-3750 T-140117189777216 I BROKER 1: (8839) No SQL servers are available. Try again later.
[2024/08/26@14:28:04.623-0500] P-3750 T-140117189777216 I BROKER 1: (8839) No SQL servers are available. Try again later.
[2024/08/26@14:33:46.114-0500] P-3750 T-140117189777216 I BROKER 1: (8839) No SQL servers are available. Try again later.
We checked in Promon 17 option Server by broker:-
Sv Pend. Cur. Max. Port
No Pid Type Protocol Logins Users Users Users Num
0 3723 Login TCP 832 0 0 5 49030
2 13782 Auto TCP 3 0 1 5 51905
3 13784 Auto TCP 3 0 1 5 51906
4 13786 Auto TCP 3 0 1 5 51907
5 13788 Auto TCP 100 0 0 5 51908
6 13804 Auto TCP 3 0 1 5 51916
7 13806 Auto TCP 2 0 1 5 51917
8 13808 Auto TCP 3 0 0 5 51918
9 13869 Auto TCP 2 0 0 5 51927
10 13871 Auto TCP 3 0 1 5 51928
11 13873 Auto TCP 2 0 1 5 51929
12 13875 Auto TCP 2 0 0 5 51930
13 13877 Auto TCP 2 0 0 5 51931
14 14441 Auto TCP 201 0 1 5 51938
08/27/24 Status: Servers By Broker
Sv Pend. Cur. Max. Port
No Pid Type Protocol Logins Users Users Users Num
16 24142 Auto TCP 491 0 1 5 51948
17 32615 Auto TCP 10 0 1 5 51952
19 2300 Auto TCP 1 0 1 5 51956
20 2302 Auto TCP 1 0 1 5 51957
1 3750 Login TCP 1470 0 0 1 49035
15 6572 Auto TCP 28 0 0 1 51961
Than we check in option 20 Broker startup and found below for 4gl and sql (secondary broker) connection parameters
broker startup parameter
Broker: 0 Pid: 3723 Logins: 832 Pend: 0 Connected: 0
TCP/IP Version (-ipver): IPV4
Maximum Port for Auto Servers (-maxport): 51999
Minimum Port for Auto Servers (-minport): 51900
Maximum Number of Clients Per Server (-Ma): 5
Minimum Clients Per Server (-Mi): 1
Message Buffer Size (-Mm): 1024
Servers per Protocol (-Mp): 0
Maximum Servers Per Broker (-Mpb): 20
Network Type (-N): TCP
Pending client connection timeout (-PendConnTimeout): 15
Service Name (-S): 49030
Broker server group support (-ServerType): ABL
SQL Server Max Open Cursors (-SQLCursors): 50
Number of seconds for a SQL client to wait for a record lock(-SQLLockWaitTimeout): 5.
SQL Server Stack Size (-SQLStack): 1000
SQL Server Statement Cache Size (-SQLStmtCache): 100
Size [1K byte units] of SQL Server temp table buffer (-SQLTempStoreBuff): 1000
Size [1K byte units] of SQL Server temp table disk storage (-SQLTempStoreDisk): 500000
Broker: 1 Pid: 3750 Logins: 1470 Pend: 0 Connected: 0
TCP/IP Version (-ipver): IPV4
Maximum Port for Auto Servers (-maxport): 51999
Minimum Port for Auto Servers (-minport): 51900
Maximum Number of Clients Per Server (-Ma): 1
Minimum Clients Per Server (-Mi): 1
Message Buffer Size (-Mm): 1024
Servers per Protocol (-Mp): 0
Maximum Servers Per Broker (-Mpb): 0
Network Type (-N): TCP
Pending client connection timeout (-PendConnTimeout): 0
Service Name (-S): 49035
Broker server group support (-ServerType): SQL
SQL Server Max Open Cursors (-SQLCursors): 50
Number of seconds for a SQL client to wait for a record lock(-SQLLockWaitTimeout): 5.
SQL Server Stack Size (-SQLStack): 1000
SQL Server Statement Cache Size (-SQLStmtCache): 100
Size [1K byte units] of SQL Server temp table buffer (-SQLTempStoreBuff): 1000
Size [1K byte units] of SQL Server temp table disk storage (-SQLTempStoreDisk): 500000
Secondary broker only having -Ma 1 and -Mi 1
Can you please suggest what can we do to resolve issue for permanent fix up?
And Can we disconnect user in live scenario? And what are these auto Logins?
Thanks regards
Progress version:- 11.7
OS :- Linux
Sql users getting error :-Exceeding permissible number of connections and No SQL servers are available
2024/08/26@14:27:25.990-0500] P-3750 T-140117189777216 I BROKER 1: (8839) No SQL servers are available. Try again later.
[2024/08/26@14:28:04.623-0500] P-3750 T-140117189777216 I BROKER 1: (8839) No SQL servers are available. Try again later.
[2024/08/26@14:33:46.114-0500] P-3750 T-140117189777216 I BROKER 1: (8839) No SQL servers are available. Try again later.
We checked in Promon 17 option Server by broker:-
Sv Pend. Cur. Max. Port
No Pid Type Protocol Logins Users Users Users Num
0 3723 Login TCP 832 0 0 5 49030
2 13782 Auto TCP 3 0 1 5 51905
3 13784 Auto TCP 3 0 1 5 51906
4 13786 Auto TCP 3 0 1 5 51907
5 13788 Auto TCP 100 0 0 5 51908
6 13804 Auto TCP 3 0 1 5 51916
7 13806 Auto TCP 2 0 1 5 51917
8 13808 Auto TCP 3 0 0 5 51918
9 13869 Auto TCP 2 0 0 5 51927
10 13871 Auto TCP 3 0 1 5 51928
11 13873 Auto TCP 2 0 1 5 51929
12 13875 Auto TCP 2 0 0 5 51930
13 13877 Auto TCP 2 0 0 5 51931
14 14441 Auto TCP 201 0 1 5 51938
08/27/24 Status: Servers By Broker
Sv Pend. Cur. Max. Port
No Pid Type Protocol Logins Users Users Users Num
16 24142 Auto TCP 491 0 1 5 51948
17 32615 Auto TCP 10 0 1 5 51952
19 2300 Auto TCP 1 0 1 5 51956
20 2302 Auto TCP 1 0 1 5 51957
1 3750 Login TCP 1470 0 0 1 49035
15 6572 Auto TCP 28 0 0 1 51961
Than we check in option 20 Broker startup and found below for 4gl and sql (secondary broker) connection parameters
broker startup parameter
Broker: 0 Pid: 3723 Logins: 832 Pend: 0 Connected: 0
TCP/IP Version (-ipver): IPV4
Maximum Port for Auto Servers (-maxport): 51999
Minimum Port for Auto Servers (-minport): 51900
Maximum Number of Clients Per Server (-Ma): 5
Minimum Clients Per Server (-Mi): 1
Message Buffer Size (-Mm): 1024
Servers per Protocol (-Mp): 0
Maximum Servers Per Broker (-Mpb): 20
Network Type (-N): TCP
Pending client connection timeout (-PendConnTimeout): 15
Service Name (-S): 49030
Broker server group support (-ServerType): ABL
SQL Server Max Open Cursors (-SQLCursors): 50
Number of seconds for a SQL client to wait for a record lock(-SQLLockWaitTimeout): 5.
SQL Server Stack Size (-SQLStack): 1000
SQL Server Statement Cache Size (-SQLStmtCache): 100
Size [1K byte units] of SQL Server temp table buffer (-SQLTempStoreBuff): 1000
Size [1K byte units] of SQL Server temp table disk storage (-SQLTempStoreDisk): 500000
Broker: 1 Pid: 3750 Logins: 1470 Pend: 0 Connected: 0
TCP/IP Version (-ipver): IPV4
Maximum Port for Auto Servers (-maxport): 51999
Minimum Port for Auto Servers (-minport): 51900
Maximum Number of Clients Per Server (-Ma): 1
Minimum Clients Per Server (-Mi): 1
Message Buffer Size (-Mm): 1024
Servers per Protocol (-Mp): 0
Maximum Servers Per Broker (-Mpb): 0
Network Type (-N): TCP
Pending client connection timeout (-PendConnTimeout): 0
Service Name (-S): 49035
Broker server group support (-ServerType): SQL
SQL Server Max Open Cursors (-SQLCursors): 50
Number of seconds for a SQL client to wait for a record lock(-SQLLockWaitTimeout): 5.
SQL Server Stack Size (-SQLStack): 1000
SQL Server Statement Cache Size (-SQLStmtCache): 100
Size [1K byte units] of SQL Server temp table buffer (-SQLTempStoreBuff): 1000
Size [1K byte units] of SQL Server temp table disk storage (-SQLTempStoreDisk): 500000
Secondary broker only having -Ma 1 and -Mi 1
Can you please suggest what can we do to resolve issue for permanent fix up?
And Can we disconnect user in live scenario? And what are these auto Logins?
Thanks regards