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Hi, When I am executing a procedure, how can I find the This-Procedure Handle from the source code that called this current procedure? for example: inside proc1, how can i know if it was called by font2 or fontN?? I tried to use program-name(2) but I don´t want the name of the source code, I want the handle. main.p: procedure proc1: message "Called by: ???? " . end procedure. font1.p : Define Variable hMain As Handle No-undo. Run main.p Persistent Set hMain No-error. If Valid-handle(hMain) Then session:Add-super-procedure(hMain). font2: message "Font2 handle: " this-procedure. run proc1(). . . . fontN: message "FontN handle: " this-procedure. run proc1(). Thank you, PS: Sorry about my writing mistakes, English is not my mother language.

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