[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: Require-Full-Keywords and Appbuilder files

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Lars Neumeier

Hello, What is the current status of the Compile option "Require-Full-Keywords"? The Appbuilder in OpenEdge 12.1 still produces non-compliant code. DEFINE VAR C-Win AS WIDGET-HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE FRAME DEFAULT-FRAME WITH 1 DOWN NO-BOX KEEP-TAB-ORDER OVERLAY SIDE-LABELS NO-UNDERLINE THREE-D AT COL 1 ROW 1 SIZE 80 BY 16 WIDGET-ID 100. &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _CREATE-WINDOW IF SESSION:DISPLAY-TYPE = "GUI":U THEN CREATE WINDOW C-Win ASSIGN HIDDEN = YES TITLE = " " HEIGHT-P = 416 WIDTH-P = 560 MAX-HEIGHT-P = 416 MAX-WIDTH-P = 560 VIRTUAL-HEIGHT-P = 416 VIRTUAL-WIDTH-P = 560 RESIZE = yes SCROLL-BARS = no STATUS-AREA = no BGCOLOR = ? FGCOLOR = ? KEEP-FRAME-Z-ORDER = yes THREE-D = yes MESSAGE-AREA = no SENSITIVE = yes. ELSE {&WINDOW-NAME} = CURRENT-WINDOW. Changing the templates in %DLC%/src/templates doesn't seem to work. Am I missing something? Is this Compile option not yet ready?

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