[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Rollbase Private...

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Hi Manooj, I have created oracle blank database named "orcl". Craete new user with user name and password is "jktech", "jktech". Launch sql developer and make a connection and give all the details like connection name, host, port , database name Run create_ora.sql script and it is successfully creating a databse schema. Edit database.xml file.. (here database name changed to RB from "orcl") com.rb.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver jdbc:rollbase:eek:racle://;ServiceName=RB_DBO;ConnectionRetryCount=10;ConnectionRetryDelay=10;identifySystemTables=false jktech jktech Then start tomcat server and an error SSqlNonTransientConnectionException occurs and so many errors. . and suggest me what can be the possible solution.. Also an error occurs while file is attaching , . so not able to send the error..

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