[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Pro2 multi-tenant OpenEdge db replication using CDC

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One last point. I noticed in your original post that you didn't like adding the userid/password to the PF file. This can be eliminated by using the db secure feature, see page 11 of the Pro2 Config and Admin Guide, "Setting up secure connection to a stand-alone database. To turn this feature on, you first open the admin tool and go to Tools -> Generate Encrypted Password, specify the credentials (domain,user and password) and click OK. This process will generate an encrypted file called db_login.txt in the root level pro2 folder. Note, you need to temporarily have the -U -P in the PF file for the db password generation to function properly. Next edit predefs.i and do the following; a. Uncomment &GLOBAL-DEFINE USERIDDB yoursourcedb, and replace ‘yoursourcedb’ with the name of the source database to which you want to connect. b. Uncomment {bprepl/dbsecure.i}. Now you can remove the user/password information from the PF file and everything should work using secure credentialing. Hope this helps, Terry

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