[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: OpenEdge 11.7.5 - Embed Chrome Browser

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>> There is not an official WinForms version of WebView2 available yet, but it should be coming in the next few months The new webview2 is not likely to be more stable than CefSharp. It is brand new and will have a long way to go to work out the kinks. Whereas CefSharp is being maintained regularly and is quite mature: www.nuget.org/.../CefSharp.Common I am also looking forward to WebView2, but for other reasons. Unless you investigate the underlying reasons for the instability, it would be optimistic to count on WebView2 being the solution. Internally they will use a lot of the same implementation. I suspect the instability is related to the interop with the rest of your application.

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