[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: JMS generic client stuck since yesterday.

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Based on interacting with Progress tech support, the KB that was created about this is specific to the Sonic MQ broker and does *not* apply to the generic JMS adapter (Active MQ broker). This is despite the fact that we are seeing the exact same symptoms and callstacks. Here was that KB: knowledgebase.progress.com/.../OpenEdge-ABL-Sonic-adapter-hangs-on-send2-jms-impl-message-header-p-at-line-1616 Unfortunately it sounds like the KB article was a red herring, and I'm not actually very close to a resolution after all. Even so, I would *really* appreciate hearing some feedback from the Progress customer who worked with Progress support on that recent KB ("OPENEDGE ABL SONIC ADAPTER HANGS ON SEND2 JMS/IMPL/MESSAGE-HEADER.P"). You know who you are. It would be nice to get as much additional information as possible (beyond the brief notes in the KB) so that I might attempt to build a similar repro using Active MQ. There are lots of missing pieces to this puzzle, and I don't quite have enough information to solve it (nor even to consistently recreate the problem). It looks like I'm back at square 1 since my issue is supposedly unrelated to the one involving Sonic MQ. My plan "B" will be 100% trial-and-error. Maybe it will come down to pulling network wires out the back of the PASOE servers to see whether that causes the "generic JMS adapter" to hang (bad) or raise an error (good).

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