[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Feature -catchstop 1 is a tech preview in 11.7.x ...

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Thanks for the information Laura. It is very helpful and it eases my concerns about the bit where this is called a "tech-preview". STOP's happen very rarely within the custom ABL code that we are hosting in PASOE. When & where the STOP's do happen, I'd love to wrap a TRY/CATCH/THROW around them. That way we could send more of the underlying details back to a .Net openclient. Our openclients would be able to respond totally different if the STOP occurred as a result of a simple lock-wait timeout (rather than occurring because of a critical runtime compiler issue, database disconnection, etc... some of which are probably not even trappable). (For example a STOP condition that was the result of a lock-wait timeout could have a .Net-based retry loop around it. But other types of STOP's may never clear up, no matter how many times you retry.)

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