[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Concurrent record locks are withheld from client/servers sessions for an excessive amou

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I was able to make this work a bit faster by using FIND FIRST with NO-WAIT. It isn't pretty, but I replace the FIND FIRST with the entire loop shown below. It keeps trying to lock the record in a loop until it finally gets it. RELEASE gen_user. DO WHILE TRUE: FIND FIRST gen_user WHERE gen_user.entity = "entity" AND gen_user.user-name = "me" EXCLUSIVE-LOCK NO-WAIT NO-ERROR. IF AVAILABLE gen_user THEN LEAVE. PAUSE 0.010. END. If someone understands why my original example had caused the client session to block each other for increments of 2000 ms, then I would be eager to hear the reason. My intention was that they wouldn't block each other longer than ~100 ms that is used to process the transaction. Thanks, David

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