[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Compression for large (memptr) messages sent from an ABL client to a PASOE Agent - Web

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Just did a few tests : Yes we can simply pass a MEMPTR to an AppServer, with the APSV Transport. But -mc seems to have no effect. I can test it by sending a 10MBytes file filled with the character 'A' (so 10 millions 'A' s) that can be highly compressed (down to 12kBytes with 7zip) With Wireshark, I can see a the long message sent to AppServer is cut in slices of 8402 bytes, with a content full of 'A', the same way with or without -mc. I've tried that with both MEMPTR and LONGCHAR parameter types with same result. I am surprised -mc has no effect. According to this KBase, I have enabled it the right way on the client side (I even message SESSION:STARTUP-PARAMETERS to make sure the launcher inserts -mc) : knowledgebase.progress.com/.../P69169 . Q6 : Did I miss something? Would -mc work only for temp-table parameters? Q7 : Perhaps a question for Peter, so I could keep using the WEB Transport and the native decompression capabilities mentioned above : could you give me a hint to compress my http bodies myself on the ABL side as suggested ? (Any native .Net System method?).

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