[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: Compile error setting a persistent procedure handle to a class property

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Blake Stanford

All, According to the documentation, running a procedure persistent and setting the handle to a class property is legal. PERSISTENT [SET proc-handle] Specifies that the external procedure be instantiated and run as a persistent procedure. You can return the handle to the persistent procedure in proc-handle specified as a field, variable, class property , or output parameter defined with the HANDLE data type. If you do not specify proc-handle, you can find the procedure handle for this procedure using the FIRST-PROCEDURE or LAST-PROCEDURE attributes of the SESSION system handle. class Foo: define public static property hProc as handle. end class. test.p run myproc.p persistent set Foo:hProc. end test.p A compile error is thrown when compiling test.p **Unknown Field or Variable name - Foo. (201) Am I misunderstanding the documentation or is the documentation wrong or is it a bug? This is on OpenEdge 11.7.5

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