[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: Abstracting the JFPFillMethod in BusinessEntity Classes for PASOE Endpoints Consumed by JSD

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We have been using the Progress JFPFillMethod as described in this article: OpenEdge 11.7 Documentation This enables us to produce a RESTful API that can be consumed by a JSDO client and supports filtering, top, skip, etc. So far, the JFPFillMethod has done a great job of implementing this functionality. However, there is one issue in that it has to be added to every single class (BusinessEntity) that we add to a service. Thus, we are in the process of creating a BusinessEntity class that will be inherited by all classes we create. We would like to put the JFPFillMethod into this class. Has anyone done this? Is there another class that already implements the JFPFillMethod? The main trouble we've run into so far is how to pass the four items from the subclass to this new class: Here is the start I have so far: (bTable -> buffer for the real table, bTempTable -> buffer for the temp table as defined in the subclass .i file, dsTable -> DataSet for the temp table as defined in the subclass .i file, srcTable -> DataSource for the real table) METHOD PROTECTED VOID JFPFillMethod( INPUT filter AS CHARACTER, BUFFER bTable, BUFFER bTempTable, INPUT-OUTPUT dsTable AS DATASET, INPUT-OUTPUT srcTable AS DATA-SOURCE ): However, I don't think the 2 buffers can be declared this way as the BUFFER statement requires a FOR which we would not be able to do from this parent class. How would we pass the 2 buffers, dataset, and data source as parameters to a super class method? Backend Environment: PSDOE 4.5.2 OpenEdge 11.7.3 PASOE Dev/Prod Servers - REST transport (we plan to migrate to WEB transport in the future) Frontend Environment: Angular 7 Telerik Kendo UI for Angular JSDO 6.0.1

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