Problem installing Syteline 6.01 Client on Win7 64-Bit - Can Someone Help?


New Member
I am in the process of rolling out new desktops to my users. The PCs are running Windows 7 64-bit. When attempting to install Syteline I am running into a problem during the installation of the Syteline registration files. It appears that all of the .dll and .ocx files are registered properly with the exception of the csspin32.ocx file. Windows throws up an error that this particular .ocx file was not able to self-register.

From what I have experienced so far, Syteline operates just fine with one exception. When attempting to view the Current Operations within the Item Maintenance screen an error pops up stating that the “Specified ActiveX control is not registered or the .ocx file was removed from where it was registered.” I am able to click “OK” multiple times and eventually come to the Current Operations screen. On the Current Operations screen there are seven or eight fields that are supposed to have up / down arrows next to them to change the increment amount in the field. I believe that the ActiveX control error is directly related to these controls because they are not displayed on the screen and the number of times that I must click “OK” on the error message matches the number of missing controls.

Is there a workaround to get this csspin32.ocx control registered properly in Windows 7 64-bit?

All help is greatly appreciated!
Did you ever resolve this issue?
I am having the same problem with Windows 7 32-bit.
Kind regards
Did you find a way to register the csspin32.ocx?
I'm working on this pb since some weeks without success...
The goal now is to find an update of this ocx...or may someone have a real solution...

Best regards,
Solution is here :

This package contains an update of the ccspin32.ocx which can be registered under W7 64bits...

Re: I was very pleased to find this post

OMG! It's working... Thank you so very much Mathieu... This post made my day!! :)

The guy who is using the Current Operation screen and the Job Operation screen was stuck to Win XP because of this.

Thank you again!!
Just to share some info i had a similar problem with the Current BOM and Standard BOM screen. Impossible for SyteLine to display the BOM treeview. By looking at the source code I found that the required library is called Tlist. The version 3 is shipped with SyteLine 5 ( Using the website I found that the library needed to run those programs is called tlist32p.ocx

So I ran to an XP station to get the file in the sytem32 directory. I copied the file to my windows 7 machine and tried to register the OCX without any success. Using Dependency Walker ( i found that i was missing dependency called OC30.dll.

The file was on my xp machine. I registered it on my win 7 then tried again with the tlist32p.ocx file and it worked like a charm.

I hope this will help someone else in the future ;)