Messages in foreign languages...

Does progresstalk run a policy of kicking foreign language questions out of the forum. There is a message from a user called Morfin in spanish which I can't access. This is not the first message which I have not been able to get hold of which is why I am writing.

I can understand that some messages should be kicked if they are irrelevant, insulting etc... but I think this forum should at least give people a chance to get help even if they can'T speak english. I have a basic understanding of Spanish and as far as I can tell the message is trying to find out how to create a DBF archive directly from Progress.

I have noticed that there are a large number of foreign users on Progresstalk perhaps we could start up some sort of translation group. For my part I would be happy to translate anything to and from German and perhaps a bit of spanish.

Anyone else willing to do this/ comments.

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
No we don't have a problem with foreign language posts.... I realize many of our users are international and speak other languages. The reason you couldn't access the post was because it was in the moderation queue. This usually happens when someone creates a thread and selects to post a poll, but doesn't complete this step.

I'll also look into creating some foreign language forums here, and/or having a way to translate pages here automatically.