Legacy NxTrend


New Member
Onsite there is an old SX Enterprise installation used to look at old quotes. It's running OpenEdge 10.0B05. I'm trying to restart the Progress AdminServer and getting the error "Unable to find sxapiappsrv (8281)". Without the AdminServer running they can't log into the old system to look at the old quotes.

It would be nice to fix it but would there be a good way to just export the database to SQL and view the data another way? The server it's running on must be 12 years old.



Active Member
Use the showconfig utility to show what products are licensed. There are a few ways to dump the data depending on what products are available.

Rob Fitzpatrick

ProgressTalk.com Sponsor
You would run this command in "proenv", a shell that has Progress commands in the PATH. The command is actually showcfg.


New Member
That worked. Thank you.
Enterprise DB, 4GL Development, Query / RESULTS, Progress Appserver. All are version 9.1D licensed with no expiration.


Active Member
With a 4GL dev license you should be able to use the data dictionary to dump the tables to files or write 4GL code to export the tables to CSV files and then load into MS SQL server. There are multiple examples on 4GL code to export to csv files.