HTML mapping or Embedded 4GL ?

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Hi all,

Many of you have exeriences developing with Webspeed
using either HTML mapping or Embedded 4GL method.

I would like to know which method is better, HTML
mapping or Embedded 4GL ?


Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Hi John,
I prefer embedded speedscript(4GL).

Leslie Atkins
Programmer / Analyst
United Systems, Inc. <>
770.449.9696 x.3084

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
I don't think it's in the FAQ yet, but it should be.

IMHO, the HTML mapping only becomes practical in these situations:

1. Your objects need to be customized, but you don't want to release
source code.
2. Your objects need to be displayed in multiple languages using the
same set of WebSpeed agents.
3. You have a favorite automated tool or methodology that uses

Perhaps others can think of more reasons, but that's all I can think of
right now. Generally, HTML-mapped objects are big, and slow, and
difficult for the beginning web programmer to understand. Maintenance
is a big pain in the butt, no matter how much experience you have, and
development REQUIRES the workshop or appbuilder. To make matters worse,
it's a common occurence to get your mapped objects "hosed" by the editor
for no reason at all.

Steve Southwell
Web Programmer / Consultant
United Systems, Inc.
Phone: (214) 488-2239

Chris Kelleher

Staff member

Most people already know how I feel about HTML mapping so I'll just include
some comments to a couple of the items you've listed.

> IMHO, the HTML mapping only becomes practical in these situations:
> 1. Your objects need to be customized, but you don't want to release
> source code.

This same functionality is easily provided without HTML mapping. We have
written WebSpeed applications where the users manage the entire interface
using HTML editors and we don't supply the source code.

> 2. Your objects need to be displayed in multiple languages using the
> same set of WebSpeed agents.

This can be easily handled without using HTML mapping.

> 3. You have a favorite automated tool or methodology that uses
> html-mapping.

Have a great day,


Brian Laferte

Progressive Systems Technology, Inc.

P: 401-762-4905
F: 401-767-5337

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Start by taking a look at chapter 2 in the WebSpeed Developers Guide. You can
find it by clicking on the "Help" button in the WS workshop. Look in the list
of online books. After that look in the PEG archives. This topic seems to come
up about once a month. One recent thread had the subject "Development
approach". Both methods have their strengths and weaknesses, there is no
"right" answer for everyone.

Tony Auerbach
Application Solutions Specialist
(972) 550-7666 Ext. 2132