How to convert a progress program (.p) to an executable file (.exe)


New Member

Can someone suggest me the steps involved in converting a progress program (eg., app.p) to an executable file(app.exe)? I got some materials related with ESQL (Embedded Sturctured Query Language). But there is nothing to do with SQL in my code. Moreover I just used temporary tables in my .p program.

Thanks in advance!




ProgressTalk Moderator
Staff member
you cannot run progress apps without a client, if that's what you're asking.
the client is what runs the .r's byte-code.

if you're looking for a way to launch your app, use the -p startup parameter
or put together a batch file.

you can also use a general-purpose lang, and connect to a progress
database thru odbc or jdbc.

but before you start firing in every direction, whats the problem you're trying
to solve ?



As poinbted out earlier, it is NOT possible to create an executable file to package a Progress OpenEdge product (or earlier versions). You need Progress installed on the box you wish to execute from. However You CAN create the illusion. If PSC is installed at a given generic path across platorms using the StartUp Parameter method you can give the illusion that the solution is being executed from an executable file. In that you can Not use generic paths for the db/rcode, this has to be decided at compile time. Investigate the Propath, and StartUp parameters to see how you can create the illusion. A starting point would be -db c:/path and -p c:/path