Forum Post: RE: Possible to consume all messages off of a sonicmq queue in one go?

  • Thread starter pedromarcerodriguez
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Hi, I might be losing something, but from a REST point of view, using SonicMQ as the transport I think the correct approach to take would be to implement a request-response pattern ( ). I couldn't find an example for SonicMQ but should be same approach. Now, I am not sure what is your REST client, or why does it need to poll, but I would say that if it can connect to SonicMQ, when it submits a request, it subscribes to a response (using correlationId, temporary queues, ...). Also that would allow you to start (if required several REST services in your appserver), every one would fetch one message and process its response, and so it would do the REST client. I think that would be much more responsive that trying to process several REST requests in same client. Again, apologies if I got wrong your requirements, I am not sure to understand them correctly. Regards,

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