Forum Post: RE: Adding groups to members

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Godfrey Sorita

Here's workaround solution to your problem (appending groups instead of replacing the current value): 1. Create another relationship between USER and GROUP with a cardinality many to one respectively. Make sure to use another value (e.g. "Select Group", "Append Group") when naming GROUP lookup field. 2. Create an Attach Related Record trigger in User object. This type of trigger appends records to relationships rather than replacing them. The trigger configuration should be set as follows: a. It should not have any timing so it will only run on this specific action. b. The relationship to be updated should be the actual group field. c. The formula body should return the value of the append GROUP field (e.g. {!R123456#id}). 3. Create a Status Change workflow action. Make sure to enable Group Action so it can be used on More Actions selector. Then move the trigger to the Selected Triggers box to run this trigger when using the workflow action. 4. Modify the Status page and drag the append GROUP lookup in the page. You should already be able to append group records to multiple users simultaneously using the workflow action under More Actions selector. Let me know how it goes. Godfrey

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