
Chris Kelleher

Staff member

Due to cheap bean counters, our applications connects
and disconnects from our different databases when it
needs them. Due to cheap programmers, we did not
qualify all references with database names.

If we let RTB connect to all databases, code will not
compile becuase of ambiguous table references. I
blanked out the connection parameters and modifed the
"more" menu so that we can choose our own connections.

Since the programs that reference each database are in
specific workspace modules, is there any way to make
RTB V8.1a UNIX programatically connect to the correct
database(s) at compile time??



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Chris Kelleher

Staff member

In the latest version of Roundtable (8.3+) there are some hooks that would
give you the ability to solve your problem. The before compile hook would
allow you to take control and determine which databases needed to be
connected and then connect or disconnect accordingly. You could then return
control back to the compiler to do the work. The other feature that could
help is the external compiler, it is another session running on the server
machine and it does all of the compiling for the system. That could be
customized to change the list of connected databases before compile. Both
ways are going to require some programming on your part however. I suspect
you could solve your problem using either technique.


Good Luck.

Nathan Noll (817) 284-8680
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