automaticaly register activeX ??


New Member
Hello There,

We have a client/server application in witch we want to make use of ActiveX/OCX controls. The problem is that the programcode is on a remote server, but a particular OCX needs to be registered on the clientside. Does anybody know how to find out if a OCX is properly registerd on the clientside and if not how to register this underwater cause we can't pass by each clientmachine to do the registering.

Does anybody have some experience with this.

Thanks, Ted


You can call regsvr32.exe with the /s (Silent) switch to suppress any messages.

I'd go for a run-once 'Client Setup' program rather than checking the ocx is installed every time you start a session, but I guess you could query the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID to find out if a particular control was registered properly by Class ID?