Are Apps Making You the Money You Deserve?

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colleen smith

Has your company ever considered the possibility of switching to a SaaS business model? While the thought of changing the way you design, price, sell and deliver applications may be overwhelming, so are the benefits of adopting a SaaS model. In fact, the thought of tremendous revenue growth alone makes the shift tempting. So what do you need to know when it comes to switching to this new way of business?

When it all comes down to it, there are 4 key elements to consider when transitioning to a SaaS model. The first is cloud investment. How do you see cloud fitting into your overall business strategy? Are you planning to develop and implement a cloud strategy over the next few years? Investing in new cloud technology will ultimately allow your business to seize current and future opportunities with ease.

The second is pricing. In the past, where you might have only secured a one-time sale with a single licensing fee to a customer or prospect, with SaaS you can hook them on a paid subscription to continuously bring in revenue for your business. The third is sales compensation. When moving to a SaaS model, it is important not only to consider a new pricing model, but also how you align your compensation structure to best incent your sales team.

Lastly, growth plays a huge role in the move to a SaaS model – in fact, SaaS is all about growth. SaaS allows you to expand your business to a new geographical area or emerging market easily without having to change things. Ultimately, SaaS can give you a strong competitive edge in your market if you do it right.

So what are you waiting for? OpenEdge partners, I’m talking to you! You’re particularly well positioned to take advantage of this opportunity with your current applications thanks to Progress’ SaaS pricing and deployment flexibility, as well as the OpenEdge multi-tenant database.

Do I have you convinced yet? Download my free ebook, titled, “Embracing Opportunities with SaaS,” to learn everything you need to know about SaaS and make the informed decision to adopt this model for your business.

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