All About Progress Education

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John Kolakowski

At Progress, we value education. Whether it’s covering the latest and greatest technology trends in our blog, attending industry conferences to make sure we’re on the pulse of the ever-changing industry, or arming our employees with the tools they need to be successful, we love to learn.

That’s why you probably won’t be surprised to learn that we offer a great education program for our partners as well. Our Progress Education Program provides students with outstanding training to support their business and technology needs at a reasonable cost. By offering a thorough understanding of the rich functionality of our products, Progress Education has helped students reduce the overall development cycle and ultimately reduce the time-to-market or time-to-production of your applications, thereby providing developers with the knowledge and skills to stay ahead of the competition.

With a Progress education, students receive:

  • Accelerated Learning: Our courses are designed to improve productivity by reducing the ‘learning curve’ from months to days.
  • Flexible Curriculum: With a wide variety of available courses, students can choose the training that meets their specific requirements.
  • Experienced Instructors: Progress instructors are carefully selected for their extensive programming knowledge and outstanding communication skills. They are prepared to answer questions on topics ranging from specific product features to general application development issues.
  • Quality Materials: Our course handbooks are clear, well-organized and easy to read and understand. They provide detailed descriptions, examples, lab exercises, and lab solutions to guide you through the course.
  • Hands-on Practice: Time is set aside in each class to work through lab assignments to reinforce course concepts and methodology. Students receive direct experience working with Progress tools while practicing development techniques that are taught in class..
  • Proven Success: Students consistently give high ratings when evaluating our courses since they recognize the value of a Progress education.

The best part is that we deliver training at six convenient locations throughout the world, offer courses online, and can even customize training for your specific needs. Our goal is to teach students how to do their job effectively and efficiently, rather than to strictly focus on the features and benefits of our products.

Check out the video to learn more about the program or browse our course descriptions.

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