2in1: Parenting a dialog, checking value change in cell


Progress Fan
Hi there....

I have this questions, too easy for most of you, shame on me ;).
1) I have a window wich calls several dialogs with diferent buttons, all worked fine, but now, i have the need to check some status on startup of the window, and if user accepted, show a dialog with a browse, etc. usual stuff.
The problem cames with this new dialog, if i call it trough the menu bar, no problem, but when i have to call it on the main block after the checks, it runs, but parents to a window (that gray window that is created to parent the dialog), but when the dialogs ends (by means of escape key, not with a cancel button or something) the gray window remains, and the original window, it's parented to this new window. I have tried to put the code that calls the dialog before the main-block, in the main-block, after the main-block, but none works. any clue? tha strange thing is if i call it inside the window (on a button or from the menu bar, no problem...)

2) how can i know when leaving an enabled field from a browse if the user changed the value, so i can make a log of the change?

Easy ones....


Octavio Olguin