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  1. L

    Get Time from DateTime

    def var dtNow as datetime-tz. def var dtNow0 as datetime-tz. assign dtNow = Now dtNow0 = date(dtNow). // (dtNow - dtNow0 ) will give you time in milliseconds disp dtNow dtNow0 (dtNow - dtNow0 ) .
  2. L

    tabstrip beforeclick event

    Recently I resolved similar issue. If it is still actual please let me know.
  3. L

    Question Using class Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

    You cannot use WorksheetClass as it is "Reserved for internal use ". You can use: Define variable oWorkbook as class Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook no-undo. Define variable oWorksheet as class Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet no-undo. ... oWorkbook = oExcel:Workbooks:Open(...
  4. L

    PUT-KEY-VALUE Failed (4454)

    Since turn off read-only status of .ini files for all users was not an option, we just added to the .ini files: ... [ADM] Color3DFace=32 Color3DHighLight=33 Color3DShadow=34 ... visual.p tries to add these 3 lines.