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  1. X

    Printing with Flash.ocx

    I use the activeX controll named FLASH.OCX (ShockwaveFlash) to view images and movies within my applications, it works fine. Now I need to print this images but I am not able to do it. Does anyone Know how to do it ? Can someone show me a sample including the sintax of a...
  2. X

    Printing - Windows - Any Recommendations???

    Hi, I had the same printing problems that you. You can get a license of xPrint. It's a very simple to use and a very powerfull tool. You will be able to create any report without thinking in the printer driver you will use. The incovenient is that you will have to reprogram your all...
  3. X


    I would like to copy some Excel Rows & Cells to the Clipboard and then Paste them to a Progress Browser. Is this possible ?
  4. X

    Send/Recive e-mails

    I need to send and receive e-mail ATTACHMENTS from my Progress application. I'm looking for an easy way to CONTROL the sending & reciving of the e-mails with my Progress Code. I don't want any external interface or standard program that send/receive e-mail attachments. I would like to do...
  5. X


    I use the NATIVE attribute in the FILL-IN fields of my applycations. I think it is an intersting recourse. But the colours that Native attibute uses (GRAY & LT-GRAY) are difficult to read. Is there any easy way to change the default colours of the NATIVE attribute ? Thanks.
  6. X

    Progress developers

    I'm developing a Progress's v.8 application. When I execute a program from the main menu of my application, Progress opens a new window for the program. I would like to execute all programs in the same window, or have the possibility of closing the windows that I'm not currently...
  7. X


    I'm not able to print forms using different types of fonts. I can change the fonts using "escape" control codes, but not using de FONT option with the DISPLAY command. Can anybody help me ?