Recent content by mwm

  1. M

    Best way to do this without an idex?

    I would build a temp-table (which would contain a list of users) ahead of time by processing System-Tracker WITHOUT the BREAK BY. Also, you may already be aware of this, but the i-SystemUser index is completely redundant/unnecessary since its only components are the leading components of the...
  2. M

    for each loop

    Please clarify if "conft" is a different table or if it you mean "conft-date". If the former, then what you want to do doesn't make sense to me, but if the latter, then you could do something like this: for each poi where poi.kco = 1 and if poi.conft_date > 1/1 then poi.conft_date = jp-date...
  3. M

    for each loop

    First, you're missing the left paren, but in your example, parens aren't even needed. You can do: for each poi where poit.kco = 1 and poi.req-date = if > 1/1 then else jp-date no-lock:
  4. M

    logical value

    def var log_val AS LOG FORMAT "ya/na".
  5. M

    Usage of NO–WAIT Option

    NO-WAIT should be used when attempting to exclusive-lock a single record but not wanting to wait if it's already locked. It MUST be used in conjunction with NO-ERROR & does not help unless LOCKED is used subsequently. Also, LOCKED = TRUE also means AVAILABLE = FALSE, so if testing for IF NOT...
  6. M

    Set timeout for the database connect statement.

    I haven't tested it, but the following might work. CONNECT VALUE(mDBConnectString) NO-ERROR. You then could use the ERROR-STATUS system handle to check why it couldn't connect. I don't know if it will solve your problem of the long wait, but it's worth a try...
  7. M

    Search on field

    So you are trying to skip locations which have only 2 characters? Did you try adding my suggested condition to your query? I believe it will work. In your 2nd example (a query for the range c1-c4), locations of c15 & c1a would fall in the range with your query, but if you added my "LENGTH"...
  8. M

    Search on field

    It depends on what you want to do. If you want a minimum of 3-character locations, then include this condition: "and LENGTH(klocsn) > 2".
  9. M

    difference between Put and display command in progress

    You're probably missing the "SKIP" at the end of the "PUT". You have to tell "PUT" exactly what you want it to do...
  10. M

    Display error with no display statement

    I doubt this is it but perhaps it will generate some ideas. Perhaps there is a DB trigger on CREATE for this table which runs some code to display the new record?
  11. M

    doubt in index

    You need to specify the field(s) needed to join the order table to the customer table. Most likely, it will be something like "for each order where order.customer-nbr = customer.customer-nbr", but you need to verify this by finding the customer number index on the customer table first. If...
  12. M

    Aliasing Tables? 8.3E

    Yes, you can. Use a buffer. DEFINE BUFFER b_rescMast FOR rescMast. then join to b_rescMast.
  13. M

    return day of the week

    Use the Progress function "WEEKDAY".
  14. M

    Excel conundrum

    Thanks anyway but I need to send the email through Unix, not Windows. I'm working on it using "uuencode". I think I have it solved.
  15. M

    Excel conundrum

    Mike, I'm extremely interested in this because I just used the "Create Excel.Application" for the first time also. I'm having troubles getting the spreadsheet emailed from Unix but that's another story. What's strange to me is why you're making Visible & ScreenUpdating TRUE just before the...