Win2k Event Viewer


Hi there,

Does anybody know if it is possible to reduce the number of messages posted to the Win2k event viewer/log when you start a database server? All the stuff Progress writes in there is also written in de database's log file, so I would like to reduce the messages in the event viewer to errors and/or warnings only...

Progress version 9.1C, Patch 19
OS: Win2k

Any help would be appreciated.


You have to set "evtlevel "startup parameter of the database to one of the following values:
- none :you will have nothing on the event viewer
-brief : you will have some events written on the event viewer
- normal : it's more verbose than the brief parameter
-full : everything wil be written to the evetviewer

hope that helps you



Thanks for that hint, but unfortunately (according to the e-doc) the evtlevel startup parameter only applies to the client.... and it's starting the database servers that fills up my event log with all this information which is also available in my database's lg file :( Hmm... I guess I will just have to live with that and keep cleaning up all this rubbish manually all the time so I can find the real important messages when I am looking for them :dead:.