Why am I getting 'No Data' in v 9.1e ODBC


New Member
Hello all,
I am trying to connect to a progress database v 9.1e using the datadirect ODBC driver supplied on install. I keep getting the error [DataDirect][ODBC PROGRESS Driver][PROGRESS]No Data. I was wondering if anyone out there would know what is causing this, and what the resolution would be.
Thank you very much


Something is wrong.

D: P78517
Title: "ODBC Test connect gives 'No Data' error."
Created: 04/29/2004 Last Modified: 04/29/2004 Status: Unverified

WME('Symptoms: '); Symptoms:
ODBC Test connect gives 'No Data' error.
WME('Symptoms: '); [DataDirect-Tecnologies][ODBC PROGRESS driver][PROGRESS] No Data.

WME('Cause: '); Cause:
Port number and / or other connections parameters are wrong.
WME('Fixes: ');
Verify your connection parameter -S -H -N are the same for the database startup as for the ODBC connection.
note: Personal Database need local connection and 'localhost' as -H

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