Webspeed vs PHP : survey or reviews available?

Chris Kelleher

Staff member

I'm looking for reviews where Webspeed is compared with other
internet tools or languages. I'm specially interested a comparison with the
product PHP. Is anyone familiar with it and what are your experiences
with PHP versus Webspeed? I know PHP is a HTML-scripting language
and not a 4GL.
Please, give me as much advantages of Webspeed versus
scripting-languages and PHP in particular. I'll will use them to try to
convince some guys at the office to switch to Webspeed.


Rene Goossens

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Are you a current Progress 4GL customer and are you converting part of an
exisiting progress application to be web-enabled? No scripting language is
going to give you the direct database access that WebSpeed can offer to a
Progress database. Not to mention the amount of code from your current
application that you'll be able to reuse.


Chris Kelleher

Staff member
I have used both PHP and Webspeed.

If you are an existing Progress user, I would recommend Webspeed. The
Progress 4GL is extremely good for data access and manipulation.

PHP is SQL based, so you work with sets of records. All updates and deletes
are done as SQL querys, e.g. "update customer set name='Fred' where
custnum=4" and "delete from customer where custnum=4". Any cookies/form
elements/query string elements are automatically available

PHP has a lot of additional modules for things like IMAP, SMTP, SNMP etc.
File uploads (binary and ascii) are extremely easy. It is open source and
freely available. PHP4 is currently in beta, with a commercial version
(Zend) which allows for compilation and is supposedly extremely fast and
efficient. PHP has no facility for n-tier deployments.

So, it depends on your circumstances. If you already have Progress
applications you wish to put on the web, or you are building a serious
application that needs to scale, I would select Webspeed. Application
development in Webspeed is far quicker due to the power of the Progress 4GL.




New Member
php and webspeed

I'm using php in webspeed but how will include php code in html and run through webspeed . and what is syntex of use php in speedscript.



ProgressTalk.com Moderator
Staff member

your keyboard works, I suppose. :D

Dunno what you mean though.
And why would you want to use both WebSpeed and php at the same time?

I think the garbage of the rest of message may be due to the minimum message length requirement of the forum. ie. when it was initially posted the message had probably got wrapped in quotes, hence the trailing marker at the end.

So rajesh pasted a load of rubbish to force the message to post.

Do you think that's what happens with ... no, never mind.


rajesh: To connect to Progress DB with php, you normally need to use ODBC pre V10. Examples in the knowledgebase.

You can open webspeed pages with php, and vice-versa of course by opening the appropriate urls (it's all html after all), but to directly invoke php from 4GL or 4GL from php may be difficult. See this link for some pointers (bottom two links on the page):


(Mr. Newnham's page also accessible via my links below)


ProgressTalk.com Moderator
Staff member
Nowadays it's also very easy to call webservices from php, so maybe it's a better option to just use php if you need php. By calling webservices you can reach the Progress db aswell... (well if you have >= R10).

But just curious, do you use both because of the functions php has or do you want to get data from two types of databases, like Progress and Mysql for instance, or some other reason?
