The Happy Developer


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
I've been been a full time progress/openedge developer for over ten years now and I've always hated having to do deployments in unsociable hours.

This week I've updated our Openedge 10.1b to 10.2a and I am loving the online schema change feature. It now means I can make basic schema changes to the database whilst every Tom, Dick and Harry are logged in to our live production server.

I known this has been possible since 10.1a but my understanding it's was never perfected until 10.1c.

The up shot now is that I am able to deploy new new code/schema changes to our live 24/7 application and website during the working day and I don't have to worry about stupid CRC errors.

Hats off to Progress.:blush:


That is a nice feature, but I would like to see the 32k limit removed and the limit for how much code there can be in one block.
I do not like that I need to split my programs in 3 or 4 .p files and run them using handles.

OpenEdge 10.2a02
Example 1:
def var tstStr1 as char. /*1)*/
def var tstStr2 as char. /*2)*/
tstStr1 = fill('1',16000).
tstStr2 = fill('1',16000).
message length(tstStr1 + tstStr2).

Can be fixed by adding no-undo to 1) and 2).

I know I can use longchars but that does not always solve the problem.

Example 2:
def var tstStr1 as longchar.
def var tstStr2 as longchar.
tstStr1 = fill('1,',16000).
tstStr2 = fill('1,',16000).
def var tstStr3 as longchar.
tstStr3 = tstStr1 + tstStr2.
message length(tstStr1 + tstStr2) num-entries(tstStr3).

Don't get me wrong, I like coding in Progress but in the last few years, Progress has not been able to keep up with the rest of the coding world.

The .Net functionallity that Progress has been added lately in version 10+ was already implemented in other languages long time ago.