Right Mouse Click on Selection List


Can anyone help me here? Is there a way to use the right mouse button to make a selection on a selection list? I want to be able to use either the left or right mouse button. I will have different logic for what occurs if the right mouse button is used versus the left mouse button.

Any thoughts?

You want to change the default Windows behaviour. Writing different logic for the left and right mouse button won't change this behaviour. Maybe you can use some windows api to change this behaviour???


So there is no way in Progress to tell it that when the Right Mouse Button is clicked that the Left Mouse Button was clicked?


New Member
You could use the MOUSE_MENU_CLICK (may not be the exact syntax) trigger on your selection list. This is the trigger that fires as the default of a right mouse click (this would fire on the left mouse click of a user with the mouse set up as left-handed etc...) You could then do some coding inside the trigger to select your entry - granted I haven't tested this but it sounds like it should work. Hope this helps.